If you stay up to watch late night television once in awhile, you’ve probably seen the commercials about Roundup lawsuits. Roundup is the brand name for an herbicide manufactured by the chemical company, Monsanto, which merged with Bayer, the famous pharmaceutical company, in 2016. The commercials will tell you about all the patients who have […]
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Of all the types of injuries that occur, severe burn injuries are perhaps some of the most life-changing. Burn injuries can be life-threatening, and if the victim survives, they may take a lifetime to treat and heal. Treatment may require extensive surgical grafting over areas that are badly scarred, and burns may become infected, causing […]
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If you or a loved one have suffered injuries due to a drunk driver accident, you deserve compensation. Our team of experienced drunk driving accident attorneys has helped countless clients get a settlement they deserve from a liable party in Houston, TX. We aggressively pursue these claims and can sue the drunk driver under negligence […]
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Insurance protects you financially by paying the other driver’s repair or medical bills if you are responsible for an accident. Texas law requires you to show proof for auto liability insurance. It is also smart to get uninsured motorist coverage, which will protect you if you get into an accident with someone without insurance. What […]
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Hernia mesh is an implanted, non-reactive plastic shield used to repair hernias. It adds strength to the surgical site during healing so that the hernia doesn’t occur again. However, some of these meshes are defective or poorly designed, which can lead to complications. If you have been injured because of an implanted hernia mesh, the legal […]
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A car accident can cause serious injuries to every part of a victim’s body. In Texas, we experience rollover accidents, rear end accidents, sideswipe accidents, pedestrian accidents, Uber accidents, truck accidents, and more. When you’ve been involved in an accident, it’s important to hire an experienced car accident attorney who can represent you in all […]
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If you are a merchant worker who works on a navigable vessel for a third of the time when you’re on the clock and you’ve been injured while on the job, you’re not protected by workers’ compensation. However, that doesn’t mean that you aren’t eligible to receive compensation for your injuries. Your right to compensation […]
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Roundup is a popular weed killer that people throughout the U.S. have used in their yards and gardens for many years. It contains an active ingredient known as glyphosate, which is a non-selective herbicide which will kill nearly any plant by interfering with an enzyme pathway that is needed for the plant to grow and […]
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Under product liability law in Texas, a liability action is one that is against either a seller or manufacturer for damages such as death, property damage or personal injury that were caused by the consumer’s use of a product. The action can be proven by negligence, strict liability, misrepresentation and breach of warranty. Our experienced […]
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An inferior vena cava or IVC filter is a small device made of metal that is designed to prevent a blood clot from traveling from the lower body to the lungs, which can be responsible for causing a pulmonary embolism. A pulmonary embolism is a blood clot that can be fatal, because it can cause […]
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