Free Consultation

Spring Valley car accident attorneys at the Lassiter Law Firm handle personal injury lawsuits for clients in Spring Valley and around Texas. We have obtained millions of dollars in judgments and settlements for our clients since our inception. Our commitment has always been and will always be to meet the requirements of our consumers by obtaining the best possible outcome in their case.

Why Should You Entrust Your Car Accident Claim to the Lassiter Law Firm?

Some of the benefits of hiring a Lassiter Law Firm attorney are as follows:

  • Our Spring Valley Car Accident Lawyers will go to great measures to ensure that you receive the maximum amount of compensation for your claims and losses.
  • We believe in the value of customized attention, superior legal resources, and vigorous litigation.
  • From pedestrian accidents to commercial truck accidents, we know how to negotiate and litigate all sorts of vehicle accidents.
Car Accident in Spring Valley

Our company’s purpose is to assist Car Accident victims in every manner possible, including by providing services on a contingency fee basis.

How Can a Spring Valley Car Accident Lawyer Assist You?

If you have been gravely hurt or a loved one has died in a car accident, the last thing you want to worry about is suing the insurance company for proper compensation. Accepting the insurance company’s first offer may seem enticing at first, but it is only the beginning of the process. Unfortunately, that offer is typically insufficient to cover hospital expenditures, continued medical treatment, missed earnings, and other costs.

Allow Lassiter Law Firm’s experienced Spring Valley personal injury attorney to assist you in obtaining the maximum financial compensation to which you are entitled. Regardless of the sort of automotive accident involved in your case, you can count on us to fight for your best interests. We will handle your legal needs so you may concentrate on your rehabilitation and family.

We also assist customers in obtaining compensation for non-physical injuries. Plaintiffs in Texas can seek restitution for emotional, mental, and psychological distress, as well as physical pain and economic damages. After a car accident, our firm may be able to assist you in obtaining reasonable compensation for your pain and suffering, emotional anguish, depression, despair, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Spring Valley Car Accident

How to Prove Negligence in a Spring Valley Car Accident

In personal injury law, the phrase “negligence” relates to a plaintiff’s legal theory. This legal foundation is the bedrock of the vast majority of automobile accident claims and other forms of personal injury litigation. When someone is careless, they break the accepted level of care. It is your responsibility to use the same caution as a reasonable person would in the same or similar circumstances. The duty of care in a Car Accident case relates to a driver’s responsibility to observe traffic regulations, drive carefully, and avoid Car Accidents.

Substantial and compelling evidence that the driver or another defendant broke their duty of care is required to show negligence in a vehicle accident claim. A breach of duty is defined as a departure from the level of care that is appropriate under the circumstances. The victim (or their representative) must next demonstrate that the defendant’s breach of duty caused the Car Accident. In other words, the collision would not have happened if the defendant had not been irresponsible.

Evidence of carelessness is required in Texas to demonstrate the components of an automobile accident claim.

  • A police report on the accident
  • Photographs and video clips
  • Witness signatures on eyewitness evidence
  • Vehicle accident investigators’ expert testimony
  • Collision reconstruction
  • Medical documentation is required.
  • Logs from mobile phones
  • A commercial driver’s work history
  • Other papers, if necessary

An attorney can assist you in obtaining the evidence required to show the defendant’s liability in your Car Accident lawsuit.

Texas Car Accident Victims Are Entitled to Compensation

If you are eligible to submit a claim for damages, we will assist you in determining which categories and amounts to include in your initial demand letter to the at-fault party. Each Car Accident case is distinct, with survivors suffering a wide range of damages and losses. Seeking a significant sum of money may improve your chances of obtaining a fair insurance settlement. Lassiter Law Firm’s Spring Valley car accident attorney may analyze your case and make a reasonable settlement offer.

  • Currently outstanding medical duties
  • Hospital bills and healthcare costs in the future
  • Accessibility for the disabled, whether temporary or permanent
  • Income squandered in the past and in the future
  • Costs of repair or replacement
  • Suffering and physical discomfort
  • Emotional distress
  • Anxiety brought on by wayward thoughts
  • Insignificant joys of the world

If you were critically hurt or a loved one died in a Spring Valley car accident, you may have a strong case. Allow no insurance company to persuade you to accept a settlement that is less than the full worth of your case. Retain a lawyer from our firm to assist you in fighting for the reparation you require to go forward in peace and confidence.

Spring Valley

What Should You Do Following a Car Accident?

If you are in a car accident in Spring Valley, attempt to take specific actions immediately away to protect yourself and your legal rights. While investigating your claim, the insurance company will look for grounds to refuse or reduce your reimbursement, such as admitting blame or delaying medical attention. What you do (or do not do) following an accident may have an impact on your capacity to obtain financial recompense for your losses. Please engage in the following activities if you are able:

When you make a claim with your insurance company after a vehicle accident, they may call the other driver’s insurance company to file a claim on your behalf. An insurance claims adjuster will call you shortly after your accident. When you speak with the adjuster, keep in mind that they are not looking out for your best interests. Consult with a lawyer before signing anything offered by an insurance company to analyze your recovery options. You might be entitled to more monetary compensation than you are now receiving.

Consult with a Spring Valley Car Accident Attorney About Your Case

The Lassiter Law Firm is here to assist Spring Valley car accident survivors and family members of those killed in automobile accidents with their injury claims. Every vehicle collision is considered as an emergency. You will only be charged a fee if we successfully get compensation on your behalf.

You may have grounds to file a claim against one or more persons in connection with your recent car accident. Please call 1-346-230-2818 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a free consultation. We are here to help you.



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