Free Consultation

The Lassiter Law Firm’s Piney Point Village automobile accident attorneys handle personal injury litigation for clients in Piney Point Village and around Texas. Since our start, we have secured millions of dollars in judgments and settlements for our clients. Our commitment has always been and will always be to satisfy our customers’ needs by securing the best possible result in their case.

Why Should You Put Your Car Accident Claim in the Hands of the Lassiter Law Firm?

The following are some of the advantages of engaging a Lassiter Law Firm attorney:

  • Our Piney Point Village Car Accident Attorneys will go to great lengths to guarantee that you obtain the most compensation possible for your claims and losses.
  • We believe in the importance of personalized attention, outstanding legal resources, and aggressive litigation.
  • We know how to negotiate and litigate all types of car accidents, from pedestrian accidents to commercial truck accidents.
Car Accident in Piney Point Village

Our company’s goal is to help Car Accident victims in any way we can, including by offering services on a contingency fee basis.

How Can a Piney Point Village Car Accident Attorney Help You?

If you have been seriously injured in a vehicle accident or a loved one has died, the last thing you want to worry about is suing the insurance company for fair compensation. Accepting the initial offer from the insurance provider may appear appealing at first, but it is simply the beginning of the process. Unfortunately, that offer is typically insufficient to cover hospital expenditures, continued medical treatment, missed earnings, and other costs.

Allow the skilled Piney Point Village personal injury attorney at Lassiter Law Firm to assist you in collecting the maximum financial compensation to which you are entitled. You can depend on us to fight for your best interests regardless of the type of automobile accident involved in your case. We will manage your legal requirements so you can focus on your rehabilitation and family.

We also help consumers get compensation for non-physical injuries. In Texas, plaintiffs can seek compensation for emotional, mental, and psychological suffering, as well as physical pain and economic losses. Following a vehicle accident, our company may be able to help you seek fair compensation for your pain and suffering, mental distress, sadness, despair, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Piney Point Village Car Accident

How to Prove Negligence in a Car Accident in Piney Point Village

The term “negligence” in personal injury law refers to a plaintiff’s legal theory. This legal basis serves as the cornerstone for the great majority of car accident claims and other types of personal injury lawsuits. When someone is careless, they break the accepted level of care. It is your obligation to exercise the same caution as a reasonable person would under comparable or identical circumstances. In a Car Accident case, the duty of care refers to a driver’s responsibility to follow traffic laws, drive cautiously, and prevent Car Accidents.

To establish negligence in a vehicle accident lawsuit, substantial and persuasive proof that the driver or another defendant breached their duty of care is necessary. A breach of duty is defined as a deviation from the required level of care under the circumstances. Following that, the victim (or their agent) must show that the defendant’s breach of duty caused the Car Accident. In other words, if the defendant had not been reckless, the collision would not have occurred.

In Texas, evidence of negligence is necessary to prove the components of an automobile accident claim.

An accident report from the police

Images and video clips

Signatures of witnesses on eyewitness evidence

Expert testimony from vehicle accident investigators

Reconstruction of a collision

There must be medical documentation.

Mobile phone records

The job history of a commercial driver

Other papers, if required

An attorney can help you gather the evidence needed to prove the defendant’s culpability in your Car Accident claim.

Victims of Texas Car Accidents Are Entitled to Compensation

We will assist you in choosing which categories and amounts to include in your initial demand letter to the at-fault party if you are entitled to file a claim for damages. Each Car Accident case is unique, with survivors experiencing a wide variety of damages and losses. Seeking a large quantity of money may increase your chances of securing a reasonable insurance settlement. The Piney Point Village vehicle accident attorney at Lassiter Law Firm may examine your case and make a reasonable settlement offer.

  • Currently outstanding medical duties
  • Future hospital expenses and healthcare costs
  • Disabled accessibility, whether temporary or permanent
  • Income lost in the past and in the future
  • Repair or replacement costs
  • Suffering and bodily discomfort
  • Emotional anguish
  • Anxiety caused by stray thoughts
  • The world’s insignificant pleasures

You may have a strong case if you were badly injured or a loved one perished in a Piney Point Village vehicle accident. Allow no insurance company to encourage you to settle for less than the full value of your case. Retain a lawyer from our company to help you fight for the restitution you need to go ahead in peace and confidence.

Piney Point Village

What Should You Do After a Car Accident?

If you are involved in an automobile accident in Piney Point Village, try to take particular steps straight once to protect yourself and your legal rights. The insurance company will search for reasons to decline or minimize your compensation when examining your claim, such as admitting fault or delaying medical care. What you do (or do not do) after an accident may affect your ability to recover financial compensation for your losses. If you are able, please participate in the following activities:

After a car accident, when you file a claim with your insurance company, they may contact the other driver’s insurance company to file a claim on your behalf. Soon after your accident, an insurance claims adjuster will contact you. Keep in mind that the adjuster is not looking out for your best interests when you chat with them. Before signing anything given by an insurance provider, consult with a lawyer to evaluate your recovery alternatives. You may be entitled to greater financial compensation than you are now receiving.

Discuss Your Case with a Piney Point Village Car Accident Attorney

The Lassiter Law Firm is available to help Piney Point Village car accident survivors and family members of those died in vehicle accidents with their injury claims. Every vehicle collision is considered as an emergency. You will be paid a fee only if we are successful in winning compensation on your behalf.

In connection with your recent vehicle accident, you may have grounds to initiate a claim against one or more people. To book a free consultation, please call 1-346-230-2818 or fill out our online contact form. We are here to assist you.



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