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Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle Accident Attorneys in Houston, TX

Get the Compensation for Catastrophic injuries from Motorcycle Accidents in Texas

The dangers are obvious & motorcycle accidents are going to happen. If you or a family member have been injured, you should contact the best Houston Lawyer you can find before accepting a settlement.

Motorcycle accidents in Texas are so common, that the large insurance company maintains claim specialist trained to handle serious accidents that involve motorcycles. If they have trained specialist, shouldn’t you have the Best Personal Injury Lawyer you can find.

James Lassiter and his Houston Lawyers are prepared and ready to fight for you. Not only is Mr. Lassiter recognized as one of the top personal injury lawyers in the Nation, & our firm is a member of the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum. Which is a select group of personal injury attorneys with a track record of success that sets them apart from others.

In 2007, 5,154 motorcyclists were killed in traffic accidents in the U.S., an increase of 7% from 2006. In addition, over 103,000 motorcyclists were injured. Many of these injuries and deaths could have been prevented if more motorcycle riders and their passengers wore helmets. Wearing a helmet lowers a motorcycle rider’s risk of fatal injury by 37%.

Even With A Helmet, Accidents Cause Serious Injuries & We Will Fight For Maximum Compensation

Despite the documented effectiveness of helmets, many motorcyclists choose not to wear them, especially when state laws don’t require helmet use. Currently, less than half of the states require helmet use by riders of all ages. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that helmets saved the lives of 1,784 motorcyclists in 2007. And if all motorcyclists had worn helmets, an additional 800 lives could have been saved.

Motorcycle Accident Injuries and Fatality Statistics

Per vehicle mile traveled in 2006, motorcyclists were about 35 times more likely than passenger car occupants to die in a motor vehicle traffic crash and 8 times more likely to be injured. While motorcycles made up no more than 3% of all registered vehicles in the U.S., motorcyclists account for 13% of total traffic deaths. In 2007, 36% of all motorcyclists involved in fatal crashes were speeding, compared to 24% for passenger car drivers, 19% for light-truck drivers, and 8% for large-truck drivers.

Texas Motorcycle Laws

In Texas, motorcyclists are subject to the same speed restrictions as other vehicles. Under Texas law, all motorists are required to drive at a speed that is reasonable or prudent. Tex. Transp. Code § 545.351. Any speed in excess of the following speeds is evidence of unreasonable driving:

  • 15 mph approaching a school crossing.
  • 25 mph in a business or residential district.
  • 65 mph in other locations.
Motorcyclist Fatalities and Injuries and Fatality and Injury Rates, 1997-2007
Year Fatalities Registered Vehicles Fatality Rate* Vehicle Miles Traveled (Millions) Fatality Rates*
1997 2,116 3,826,373 55.3 10,081 20.99
1998 2,291 3,879,450 59.13 10,283 22.31
1999 2,483 4,152,433 59.8 10,584 23.46
2000 2,897 4,346,068 66.66 10,469 27.67
2001 3,197 4,903,056 65.2 9,639 33.17
2002 3,270 5,004,156 65.2 9,639 33.17
2003 3,714 5,370,035 69.16 9,577 38.78
2004 4,028 5,780,870 69.68 10,048 40.09
2005 4,576 6,227,146 73.48 10,454 43.77
2006 4,837 6,686,147 72.34 12,401 39.00
2007 5,154
Year Injuries Registered Vehicles Injury Rate* Vehicle Miles Traveled (Millions) Injury Rates*
1997 53,000 3,826,373 1,374 10,081 522
1998 49,000 3,879,450 1,262 10,283 476
1999 50,000 4,152,433 1,204 10,584 472
2000 58,000 4,346,068 1,328 10,469 551
2001 60,000 4,903,056 1,229 9,639 625
2002 65,000 5,004,156 1,293 9,552 667
2003 67,000 5,370,035 1,250 9,577 701
2004 76,000 5,780,870 1,321 10,048 760
2005 87,000 6,227,146 1,402 10,454 835
2006 88,000 6,686,147 1,311 12,401 707
2007 103,000

*Rate per 100,000 registered vehicles. **Rate per 100 million vehicle miles traveled.

– = not available.

Sources: Vehicle miles traveled and registered vehicles-Federal Highway Administration.

Traffic deaths-Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS), NHTSA. Traffic injuries-General Estimates System (GES), NHTSA.

Number Percent Percent Percent Percent
State Total Motorcycle Riders Killed Helmeted Not Helmeted Impaired Motorcycle Riders Killed (BAC=.08+) BAC=.01+
2007 Motorcycle Rider Fatalities by State, Helmet Use, and BAC
Alabama 80 91% 9% 19% 25%
Alaska 6 100% 0% 30% 35%
Arizona 127 44% 56% 22% 30%
Arkansas 76 38% 62% 23% 36%
California 495 86% 14% 24% 30%
Colorado 84 38% 62% 30% 37%
Connecticut 36 36% 64% 23% 35%
Delaware 15 36% 64% 21% 38%
Dist of Columbia 2 50% 50% 50% 100%
Florida 530 52% 48% 25% 32%
Georgia 156 88% 12% 18% 25%
Hawaii 25 24% 76% 29% 45%
Idaho 26 35% 65% 24% 30%
Illinois 142 19% 81% 38% 46%
Indiana 113 20% 80% 33% 39%
Iowa 54 9% 91% 28% 32%
Kansas 41 28% 73% 21% 30%
Kentucky 105 37% 63% 25% 28%
Louisiana 78 76% 24% 31% 40%
Maine 18 33% 67% 25% 26%
Maryland 88 90% 10% 23% 30%
Massachusetts 59 95% 5% 34% 46%
Michigan 120 90% 10% 22% 28%
Minnesota 58 21% 79% 26% 34%
Mississippi 47 64% 36% 29% 35%
Missouri 84 79% 21% 31% 38%
Montana 33 47% 53% 27% 30%
Nebraska 13 69% 31% 46% 62%
Nevada 48 88% 13% 26% 39%
New Hampshire 23 43% 57% 13% 27%
New Jersey 79 83% 17% 28% 36%
New Mexico 49 18% 82% 41% 49%
New York 158 85% 15% 26% 36%
North Carolina 195 93% 7% 26% 33%
North Dakota 6 17% 83% 20% 40%
Ohio 178 35% 65% 29% 36%
Oklahoma 67 30% 70% 29% 31%
Oregon 47 93% 7% 28% 39%
Pennsylvania 210 46% 54% 34% 43%
Rhode Island 13 25% 75% 58% 72%
South Carolina 119 26% 74% 40% 47%
South Dakota 24 21% 79% 18% 31%
Tennessee 144 87% 13% 27% 34%
Texas 375 40% 60% 39% 46%
Utah 29 50% 50% 10% 14%
Vermont 7 71% 29% 14% 29%
Virginia 126 91% 9% 29% 39%
Washington 65 85% 15% 35% 45%
West Virginia 38 83% 17% 24% 33%
Wisconsin 104 23% 77% 35% 47%
Wyoming 18 44% 56% 28% 32%
U.S. Total 4,833 59% 41% 28% 36%
Puerto Rico 83 33% 67% 32% 43%

Note: Percent helmeted based on fatalities with known helmet use.

Schedule a Free Consultation With a Houston Commercial Truck Accident Attorney Today

In all matters involving personal injury it is essential that measures be taken promptly to preserve evidence, investigate the accident in question, and file a lawsuit prior to the deadline imposed by the Statute of Limitations. If you or a loved one is a victim of personal injuries, call Lassiter Law now at (713) 489-1580 or submit a simple Case Review Form. The initial consultation is free of charge, and if we agree to accept your case, we will work on a Contingent Fee basis, which means we get paid for our services only if there is a monetary award or recovery of funds. Don’t delay! You may have a valid claim and be entitled to compensation for your injuries, but a lawsuit must be filed before the statute of limitations expires.

The above is not legal advice. That can only come from a qualified attorney who is familiar with all the facts and circumstances of a particular, specific case and the relevant law. See Terms of Use.



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